Metallic Stick Insect [Achrioptera manga] Care Guide

One of the most stunning stick insects may probably be Achrioptera manga, also called metallic stick insect. With its bright blue-coloured body and a metallic glance, it is absolutely stunning. At least for the males as they are the bright coloured ones. Females are still beautiful but plain brown coloured. It will be obvious that…

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Stag Beetle Care [Practical Guide]

You’ve come across the magnificent stag beetles and you found that you can keep them as pets — and yes they make good pets indeed. But how do you care for stag beetles? There are many different types of stag beetles, one even more stunning or surprising than the other. The good news is that…

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Can You Keep Different Beetle Species Together?

40% of all insects belong to the order of beetles. Beetles are the largest order of insects with over 400.000 described species, one even more beautiful than the other. Keeping pet beetles is very popular in many countries and there are a lot of different beetles you can keep. When you want beetles it is…

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What To Feed Stick Insects: A Helpful Guide

All stick insects and leaf insects are herbivorous, which means they only eat plant material. But phasmids don’t eat every plant, and they can be quite particular about which plant they accept and which not. Some accept multiple types of plant food sources, while others only eat the leaves of one or two plants. Bramble…

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Do Dubia Roaches Smell?

Are you questioning if you should feed or breed Dubia roaches but doubt their smell? If you exploring feeder insect options or want to breed your own feeder insects, the smell is a valid concern. In this article, we do a deep dive into the smell of Dubia roaches and explore if it is a…

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Keeping Praying Mantises Together [Is That Possible?]

Have you ever seen praying mantises group together? Probably not. Not strange, because these insects are solitary animals. This means they live on their own without the company of conspecifics. Praying mantises don’t even care for their young. They glue the eggs — called ootheca — on a branch and will carry on with their…

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