How To Breed Dubia Roaches (Practical How-to Guide)

Dubia roaches are very popular feeder insects. These roaches, also called Guyana orange spotted cockroaches, make an excellent food source. They are nutritious, large-sized and very well accepted by most animals. You can buy them from many suppliers, and they can often deliver them in large and constant quantities. However, have you ever considered breeding…

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How To Breed Feeder Locusts (Practical How-To Guide)

Feeder insects are essential for many bug species kept as pets. There are many different feeder insects available, such as crickets, cockroaches, mealworms, superworms, fruit flies, to name a few. Locusts are a perfect feeder insect to add to the list. They are the largest live feeder insect, and it provides excellent nutrition to the…

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