Keeping Praying Mantises Together [Is That Possible?]

Have you ever seen praying mantises group together? Probably not. Not strange, because these insects are solitary animals. This means they live on their own without the company of conspecifics. Praying mantises don’t even care for their young. They glue the eggs — called ootheca — on a branch and will carry on with their…

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Best Praying Mantis Species For Absolute Beginners

Are you an absolute beginner in keeping praying mantis and wondering what the best species is to start with? Well, then you are on the right page. Keeping praying mantises can be a lot of fun and they are truly astonishing creatures. In this article, we will list the best praying mantis species if you…

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Does A Praying Mantis Need Substrate

Whether or not you’re new to keeping praying mantises, this is an often questioned topic. However, the use of a substrate is partly dependent on your preference. In this article, we discuss if they actually need it in the first place. You can keep praying mantises perfectly without a substrate, but using a substrate has…

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