The Life Cycle Of A Stick Insect & Leaf Insect

Ever wondered where stick insects come from? When you encounter a stick insect in real life, it is probably an adult specimen, or at least nearly reached adulthood. But, what about baby stick insects? How are they born? The life cycle of stick insects exists of three main life stages: the egg, nymph and adulthood….

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Phasmid PSG List [All Stick Insect Species]

The Phasmid Study Group have listed all species that are bred in captivity. Within the list, every stick insect and leaf insect has given a unique number: PSG number. This list is developed because scientific names are continuously prone to changes when research provides new insights into the genus and phylogenic relation between different species….

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12 Reasons Why Stick Insects Make Good Pets

While reviled by most, keeping insects as pets have become a popular trend for kids and adults alike. Although stick insects make unusual pets, they are one of the best pets you can think of. You can keep many types of stick insects at home (however, in some countries it is prohibited to keep exotic…

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Do Stick Insects Fly? A Look At Their Use Of Wings

When you search for different species of stick insects — also called stick bugs, walking sticks or phasmids — you find that many of them have wings. But have you ever seen one flying? You are probably wondering if they can fly at all. But why else do they have wings? When I researched the…

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How To Breed Extatosoma tiaratum Lichen Morph

Extatosoma tiaratum — commonly known as giant prickly stick insect — is a very popular stick insect species to keep as a pet. It is one of the most commonly kept species there is. And that’s not surprising! They are beautiful, strangely shaped and sturdy animals that become rather large. Above that, they are very…

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How To Set Up A Stick Insect Enclosure In 7 Easy Steps

Did you decide to keep stick insects? Awesome! Stick insects are great pets to have. Easy ones too. Stick insects don’t have high requirements, but it is important to have a good start. Setting up your enclosure properly is one of those things that you should have right from the start, to prevent problems in…

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